
HELP! My Baby Won’t Gain Weight

I have heard time and time again, “your baby isn’t gaining fast enough,” “your baby lost too much weight,” but I didn’t really understand what these statements even meant. Although most babies will likely lose weight in the first week, in an ideal world, a baby won’t lose more than 10% of their birth weight, […]

Breastfeeding the First

I wish that everything came as easy to me as I make it look on the outside. There are so many times that I hear “you are so amazing” or “wow, not everyone can do things effortlessly”. If only it were that simple. In 2014, our first child entered our lives. This beautiful baby girl […]

What is a Tie and Why Should I Care?

**Disclaimer: I am not an expert on ties, I cannot diagnose or evaluate these. I can make recommendations on where you can have them evaluated Lucy was so tiny and new, at least her nine pound eight ounces looked tiny compared to my 21-month-old. After nursing for nearly two years, no one could tell me […]

Trying to Conceive

***Trigger warning, pregnancy loss and infertility issues I know, this is supposed to be a breastfeeding blog, but I feel like everyone should know that my journey to start breastfeeding was a long and difficult one. In May 2012 Alex and I decided that we would start our family. This should be easy, after trying […]

Breastfeeding in the NICU

Going into my third pregnancy, I had no doubt that I would breastfeed this baby too. Afterall, I breastfed my older two for a total 5 years, and over three years each. I shouldn’t have any issues with breastfeeding; I am leaking colostrum and a certified lactation counselor. The number of times a person can […]

Weaning a Toddler

Ohhhhh, weaning *sigh* I feel this is a tricky subject because everyone has a different opinion. When most of us think of weaning, our minds go to the cold turkey weaning that happens when families switch to formula, whole milk, or regular foods. Weaning a toddler is very different from this. Toddlers start the weaning […]