“International Board Certified Lactation Consultants function and contribute as members of the maternal-child health team. They provide care in a variety of settings, while making appropriate referrals to other health professionals and community support resources. Working together with families, policymakers, and society, IBCLCs provide expert breastfeeding and lactation care, promote changes that support breastfeeding and help reduce the risks of not breastfeeding.”
Additional information can be found at https://iblce.org/about-iblce/
My credentials can be verified here
The short answer is yes. Unfortunately, lactation assistance isn’t covered by all insurances. You can submit a request for insurance pre-authorization through The Lactation Network (TLN) as I have partnered with them for most insurance billing. The only way to verify if your insurance is covered is to apply for the services here.
TLN is currently accepting most of the following:
- Blue Cross PPO
- Blue Shield PPO
- Anthem PPO
- VA CCN plans
- Most plans that utilize MultiPlan and PNOA
- UHC (HMO & Commercial plans in 49 states [Hawaii pending] for in-person consultations only.)
I am also in-network privately with these companies:
- Aetna
- Community Health Options
If your insurance is not on this list, please let me know and I will work diligently to add them to my list of insurances to connect with.
At this time, Mainecare/Medicare does not recognize the IBCLC as a stand alone practitioner and will not approve a visit. However, I am offering a sliding scale fee for those at or below 250% of the poverty line. You may use the contact form to reach out and review your options.
We have a fax number (256) 946-8776 now as well as a form that can be filled out if you would like to have your provider send me your information.
Please keep in mind, this is NOT required; however is optional.
Fax form can be found here.
Although I do have products that I recommend, I want to state very specifically that these products are NOT required by any means. I have personally used ALL products on this list and will continue to add any that I feel should be here.
Please note: these are ALL affiliate links and I do receive a commission off anything purchased.
30 minutes is the bare minimum I would allow for a counseling session. Unfortunately, babies can’t tell time, so it can be difficult to get them to cooperate with us. If you are worried about having enough time, please, reach out and we will review your options together.
For insurance approved appointments, I generally expect 60-90 minutes in order to get a full scoop on what is happening.
Since some babies can be difficult, I will work with you in the event that we need to reschedule the appointment to another time, when baby is more willing to eat. More often than not, babies run on their own unpredictable timeline.
As a mom of three, I totally get it! Together, we will figure it out.
At Livin’ the Breast Life, I will guide you and offer any support I can as you learn to breastfeed. I specialize in breastfeeding multiple children at once, over/under supply, induced and relactation, as well as tandem nursing.
I can also assist you with breast augmentation questions, clogged ducts, the weaning process, and more!
I am here to help. Please contact me and we can discuss your unique case to see if a consultation is right for you.
In the event you should need a referral, I am also able to provide that for you in an efficient manner.