
The First Clogged Duct

You know that moment when you realize something is terribly wrong? You know, the one you feel in your gut but don’t know how to change anything. That’s what this felt like. I’m getting ahead of myself, when my first child was roughly 5 weeks old, I started wearing my cute bras with the nice […]

Tandem Nursing on Accident

This blog was originally written and published on Pumpin’ Pals as a guest blog. You can also join us LIVE on Instagram on September 7, 2023 at 12PM EST for further details into my tandem nursing journey “She will wean while you are pregnant.” “Your supply will dry up, don’t worry about it.” “You can’t […]

Why Livin’ the Breast Life?

Before I started nursing my first child, I would spend hours online just researching the different things that I may need to know. I would look up lactation, breastfeeding, sore nipples, clogged ducts, and the list goes on. I also would search for breastfeeding classes and a support person. Once she was born and we […]